Wellbeing initiatives
Eat a good, well balanced diet. Everyone should feel safe and supported to talk about workplace wellbeing initiatives with their line manager. Mental illness is a growing global crisis. Several other studies have documented an association between workplace stress, defined in various ways, and depression. These types of actions may only seem like small things but they do greatly hep boost morale and add to making the workplace an enjoyable place to be. Theres significant spill-over between physiological and psychological wellbeing. Through our work with employers, were building a movement for change in mental health at work. But it doesnt have to be this way; by developing a culture of openness youll help your employees feel comfortable enough to discuss their mental health issues with you, should they be struggling. You might not be talking about it, because workplace mental health is still a taboo subject. Spending some time talking through what is going on with your team will assist you in signposting and supporting them through periods of ill-health. Challenging yourself to take a shower, even when you dont feel like it, will help wake you up and get you moving. Train managers where necessary. But have you ever thought about how this could be affecting your mental health? Try unfollowing or muting accounts that make you feel anxious, upset or angry. You never know; if you confide in a colleague, it may encourage them to talk about their feelings too. Its always handy to know how others keep themselves in check. There are small, simple steps you can take to make managing employees with mental health issues something that people can talk about. If you suspect that your neighbours or others in your community are victims of domestic abuse, do report it to the police. Volunteering, helping out a friend and contributing to a good cause can all give you a well-deserved boost, as well as providing you with something positive to focus on. The government and employers must be aware that neglecting mental health and psychosocial factors in the workplace is not only bad to the individual worker but also directly affects the productivity and output of any organisation. While work is important, it really isnt the be all and end all. In the employment context, stress and anxiety may well be exacerbated, employees will have been displaced and working from home, perhaps furloughed and, for many, concern about future employment. More importantly, they will need to go beyond investing in the easy, image-friendly wellbeing products, and instead hold a mirror up to the principles that have for decades governed working life. Discussing mental health training for managers can be a good way to alleviate a difficult situation. Similarly, if you find youre taking on too much at once, learn to set firmer work boundaries. If you are open about how you feel at work, especially if you are a leader, it might encourage others to do the same. Listening to music can uplift you, invigorate you, help you acknowledge and transform your mood, help you create some personal space, help you spark your imagination music is magical. Although it's important to tread carefully and avoid being accusatory, employers should be prepared to step in when there are signs that an employee's mental health may be deteriorating. It is your responsibility to create an inclusive workplace and provide the necessary support for your team. The overwhelmingly male staff loved it. Recent reports have discovered a crisis around mental health in the workplace today. Everyone has days where they feel stressed and that's okay. People who have resilience can manage stress better, which means they are less likely to develop mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. Sometimes fellow colleagues are actually better equipped than managers to identify mental health issues that may arise with a coworker. There is a relative lack of research focusing on this relationship within workplace settings in developing countries. Is there a friend or family member nearby you could message? Are there any online or virtual community groups you could join to support others locally? Remember, it is important to do this in line with official coronavirus guidance to keep everyone safe. At a broad systemic level these include the political environment, policies that govern the labour market, access to basic services including health services and stability of social and family networks. A reaction to a difficult life event, such as bereavement, can make mental health at work training higher on the agenda. Stressors have been defined as a set of circumstances which have an adverse impact on a person's equilibrium. And many people feel scared and confused about confronting the issue at work. Then you can begin to address and reduce those risk factors with a thoughtful strategy. Companies have different ways of doing this, but you may meet your mentor once a month and talk about any problems or issues you have with staff, working patterns or workload. Managers need to feel confident and competent to have conversations with staff about sensitive issues like mental health and signpost to specialist sources of support if necessary. If someone has broken their leg, its easy to understand why they cant run. Some employees who feel guilty about taking regular breaks, may be given a completely new perspective if educated on the benefits of spending a few minutes away from the task in hand. With extreme lack of sleep, the bodys immune system becomes less effective, leading to increased risk of illness and absenteeism. The NHS states that feeling low or anxious is a normal response to struggling with debt.
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